Is it the battle to end all battles or is it a preference? Is it the quality or is it quantity? Can it just be the best bang for the dollar? These are questions that are discussed among the masses when it comes to shopping. We need to get the best product, but when it is feasible to get the most of one product? I really don’t think there is much of a battle, I just feel it is the preference of the consumer to decide what is best for them. This leads well into what I want to discuss.
We here at River City Produce are, of course, a wholesale distributor of produce that also sells to the public. It is a great concept if you think about it. There are big box stores out there that sell fruits and vegetables to the public, but they also sell many other items. We, for the most part, only carry fruits and vegetables and this gives us the advantage. Or does it? I have worked in the retail business many years ago and the one thing always taught was to showcase the best item at all cost because in retail, the consumer is buying what they see. Only the highest quality is put out for the consumer to view, there can always be a few imperfect items in the bunch, but they will forever be hidden so as the consumer knows nothing more. That is the best thing about retail, someone has done the work for you and you now only need to make a purchase. But what about the imperfections? Can’t they be used or at least try to be of some use? This is where we can come in and offer assistance.
Buying wholesale with us means finding a great deal on a case of avocados but at the same time knowing there may be a few imperfect ones in the bunch. As much as we vet the cases we receive, it is hard to go through everyone of our cases. As you can tell by the accompanying photo, we carry a lot of produce and for someone to look at each individual item would take way to long and by the time they are even a quarter of the way through, how may more deliveries have arrived? I’m not saying buying wholesale is bad, I’m just sending a disclaimer that there is more to the eye then the perfect item in front of you, it’s the imperfections that sometimes distinguish you from the bunch.
We here at River City Produce always strive to give our best to you and we always look forward to seeing you come through our doors. I love posting our produce and keep a lookout for special deals. As always, feel free to contact me via email or find me on Instagram at resident_culinary_guy
Chris – Resident Culinary Guy