Hello All,
It’s time to start getting ready for back to school for a lot of families and this always brings up memories from long ago. As a kid, the end of summer drawing near meant it was the dreaded time that school was around the corner. All the dreams we had of a fantastic summer are just a faded memory. Some dreams came true, while others never manifested. Then there were the dreams that could still be squeezed into the few days left before the shadow of doom crept closer and closer. Play time was coming to a close.
Of course there are those kids that can’t wait for the summer to end and get back into the halls of academia. Kind of strange, but there a few that flourish in the classroom setting. Sometimes you have to force them to have a good time, but hey to each their own. I like to think I was right in the middle, excited to go on a family vacation but afraid I would lose all the knowledge I just learned. I made the most of it and am happy to say I adjusted very well to find a balance. Back to school also had me thinking about food. Should I bring a lunch or eat in the cafeteria? What are kids going to say if I brought my lunch? What are the cool kids doing? So much more to worry about.
If I found the greatest lunch box, of course I was going to take lunch to show off . Is that what we lived for in the early grades? The great design, the slick thermos and waiting to see if Mom packed the right dessert and snack. Could I trade it for something better or is what I have the envy of all the kids in class? Is it healthy or did I get the meal Mom and Dad know I like. Lunch couldn’t come soon enough. These were great memories I have and they make me smile when I think about them. I wonder now if it is the same fun in school. I don’t think to much of what is happening in school today because I do not have kids. I could live vicariously through friends and see their posts and pictures of their kids getting ready for school, but nah I’ll just sit with my memories. Kids are not for me and I’m totally ok with that, and yes my Mom is fine with it too. Luckily my brother had 2 kids for her to dote on. I just like to see if I can link my memories of childhood into what goes on in peoples minds as they prepare for back to school today.
So get ready to be bombarded with all the first day of school photos, but also remember to have a good lunch ready for them if they decide to take a lunch from home. School can be fun and if your child has a good meal they can make it through the school day. So to all you parents out there, whether you are happy or sad, it’s that time that always sneaks up on you….it’s BACK TO SCHOOL TIME!!