Hello Friends,
I know it’s been a couple days since I’ve posted anything here but now I’m back. I recently went on a trip back up to the Midwest to celebrate a close friend’s surprise wedding but took a couple of hours to cruise around the Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market and it was great. As I have said before, I spent 20 years in Chicago and enjoyed the Midwest sensibility and it became a part of me and I do have to say these guys really know how to put on a farmers market. There are some in every neighborhood and every day of the week, you can find a market somewhere. Downtown, Wrigleyville, Pilsen, Andersonville, you name it. I love the fact that they are there for you.
So when I went by the Des Moines Farmers Market I was shocked at how large the market was, 5 blocks long and all side streets utilized. It was a great set up and there was so much to offer. From true farms selling their vegetables, to vendors selling honey, flowers, soap and cheese. I could have spent the whole day there, but it only open till Noon. There were musicians playing to the crowd and of course may restaurants tempting you with their treats. I remembered how much I missed this. I’m trying to find all this here in San Antonio, but am not having that much luck. I know of the Pearl Market, but not much else.
Is there more markets in the city that anyone can recommend? I would like a Wednesday market or something in the park. Is there a need for more Farmers Markets in this great city. I do know San Antonio has a lot to offer, but I enjoy spending a few hours amongst a crowd of people enjoying the day, buying some delicious and nutritious produce and eating some tasty treats. I would like to find that one piece of fruit or vegetable that catches my eye and churns the creative juices to see what I can make from this rare find. If you know of any spots I need to see, please let me know. Also if you think we need more farmers Markets in the city, I would like to know that as well.
Send me a message so I can visit some new markets around town. You can always reach me at Christopher.uribe@rivercityproduce.com and be sure to see me on Instagram at resident_culinary_guy Thanks and I hope you find a hidden gem I can visit.
Chris – Resident Culinary Guy