
Hello Friends,

I hope you have been having a great week. As it is the middle of it already, Hump Day if you will, it’s time to start planning that weekend fun. As you know we try and make things fun here by having ready to go packs to help you get your culinary juices flowing. This week we are showcasing the 4th of July and a great starter kit to help get your BBQ off on the right foot. Can you already see yourself enjoying the day in the backyard or at the park? Corn grilling on the pit, potato salad in a bowl and all the condiments you need to make that A-1 burger like only you can. Then when you feel like there is nothing more that you could fit in your stomach, you remember you have that cold watermelon just waiting to be cut open. It is your reward for a fantastic meal made! I try and think of the things I like when creating these packs and nothing says 4th of July to me like watermelon, corn and burgers. So please enjoy this pack and let me know if there is another theme you would like to see.

In regards to our bi-weekly packs, the Organic Super Pack is on a bit of a delay this week due to trucking issues that were beyond our control. With that we never want to get or give bad quality product to anyone, so we are awaiting new product and hope to have an Organic Pack to you by this Friday and run it into next week as well. I do apologize and hope you will be ready to enjoy all the organic produce we are putting together. Keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram  for when they will be ready. I do enjoy putting these packs together but also appreciate feedback into what goes into the pack. I know I can’t please everyone but I want to get as close as I can to knowing what everyone likes.

So I want to Thank you for always liking my post and always being receptive to new produce in the packs. It does make me happy to see you enjoying the fruits and vegetables that are paired together and I look forward to continuing to bring new pack ideas into the end of the year. And of course if you have any ideas to share  is where you can find me.

Chris  –  Resident Culinary Guy

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